Seventheenth Conference of the Euro-American Consortium for Promoting the Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences,  Albena, Bulgaria, June 24-29, 2025

Reviewed and accepted articles of AMiTaNS'24 were published on-line in volume 2910 of Journal of Physics: Conference Series by IoP on December 18, 2024. Based on our experience from previous conferences AMiTaNS'23 and AMiTaNS'24 we contracted the proceedings of the 17th AMiTaNS on February 7th 2025.
Let me remind you that all the papers will be rigorously refereed and only the accepted ones will be published as a volume of Journal of Physics: Conference Proceedings.The final decision for each reviewed and submited paper belongs to the commissioning editors in IoP. Let the contributors visit the IoP website and carefully read the policy, standards and rules of publication IOP's Peer Review Policy. The contributors must prepare their papers complying with the Journal's Author Guidelines. The Publisher provided access to AMiTaNS'25 to the online platform "Morressier", which will be activated and tuned in July 2025 after the conference4. There we should manage articles, conduct peer review procedure, and submit the volume for publication. Please, do it at your earlier convenience. More comprehensive directions you can find on this website in due course. The deadline is as usual the end of September 2025.